St Peter the Apostle
Provincetown MA 02657

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St. Vincent de Paul Society-  In homage to St Vincent de Paul, canonized in 1737 and who lead a life dedicated to service, compassion and humility, and in keeping with both the corporal and spiritual works of mercy, our local Society strives to help those in the community most in need.  Some of their works include visiting elderly residents, especially on the holidays, and providing financial assistance when needed to help pay for food, heat, rent and other basic necessities.   If you live in Provincetown or North Truro and are in need please contact the society at (508) 487 0095, ext 4 and leave a message. A member of the SVDP Society will return your call.   (Note if you live outside of the two towns listed above you can be directed to another Society that may be able to help you.)

St Vincent de Paul

Page Modified: 12/30/2024 10:36 AM